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Shop for your next vehicle easily, simply and safely with Terrebonne Ford !

Calculate your exact payments


Our calculating tool is integrated to every vehicle sheet and includes the most recent offers : you can be certain to obtain the best price.


You can also personalize your payments according to your needs very easily (purchase or lease, duration, down payment, exchange vehicle, etc.)


Finally, save time by applying for credit online. You will obtain a credit decision in a few seconds. Booking an appointment for the delivery is the only thing left after that.

How does it work ?

Browse Inventory

Start your shopping process by browsing our inventory of new Ford vehicles to identify your dream car and click on «  Calculate my payments ».

Activez le module de calcul de paiements AutoFi

Personnalisez vos paiements

Personalize your payments

Indicate, among other things, the duration of payment, the financing or leasing and the amount of the down payment for the chosen vehicle. Out tool integrates automatically the discounts you are entitled to depending on our current offers. You obtain the amount of the payment according to your financial capacity very easily.

Personnalisez vos paiements

Estimate the trade-in value of your vehicle

You have a vehicle to trade? Estimate quickly its value by clicking on « + Echange » and by providing your vehicle's specifications (brand, year, mileage, overall condition, etc.)

Depending on the Canadian Blue Book, you will obtain an estimate of your car's value immediately. Once you obtain the trade-in value, the choice to apply it to your offer or not is yours!

Estimez la valeur d'échange de votre véhicule
Estimez la valeur d'échange de votre véhicule Estimez la valeur d'échange de votre véhicule Estimez la valeur d'échange de votre véhicule

Déposez une demande de crédit en ligne

Apply for credit online

All you have to do next is book your payment by filing a credit application 100% online.

All the informations provided are encrypted and the process is 100% safe.

Complete the information requested like your contact information, your professional situation as well as your income, and obtain a credit decision in a few seconds.

Déposez une demande de crédit en ligne

You will receive offers from a few financial institutions. It's up to you to select the one that fits best your needs. You will also be able to include the service and protection plans desired (extended warranty or anti-theft marking, for example).

Buy your next car, or book an appointment for your car 100% online.

Déposez une demande de crédit en ligne Déposez une demande de crédit en ligne
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